News about our company

SIAMS 2024
At SIAMS 2024, we presented our know-how in a showcase on the «Platform Décolletage» (Hall 2.2, Stand A1/B1).
Our new presentation flyer was available to the numerous visitors. We are already looking forward to the next edition of the trade fair, which will take place from April 21 to 24, 2026.

New Star CNC SL-10
In 2023, we completed our machine park with the purchase of a new STAR SL-10 CNC. The current fleet comprises 16 machines, all STAR Micronics.

Article in the 'Journal des Arts et Métiers' magazine
In September 2023, the 'Journal des Arts et Métiers' published an article about our company and its world of constant innovation. Read it here in PDF format, in French (418 Ko).

Certification for EN 9100:2018
Following our certification audit (14-16 September 2021), we have obtained a new certificate for EN 9100:2018 equivalent to AS 9100 Rev D and JISQ 9100:2016 valid until end of 2024.
Rickli Micromécanique SA
Route de Romont 27
2537 Vauffelin, Switzerland
Phone +41 32 358 00 80
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